Dr. Melissa Toffanin
Dr. Melissa Toffanin is an Assistant Professor of Finance at the Ted Rogers School of Management at Ryerson University. Her academic research focuses on empirical corporate finance issues, including ownership structure, mergers and acquisitions, initial public offerings, and corporate governance. Additionally, she has conducted research in financial education, examining the use and efficacy of clicker technology in the Finance classroom. She has published articles forthcoming in the Journal of Corporate Finance and the Journal of Further and Higher Education. She has presented some of her work at various international academic conferences, including the Financial Management Association, Financial Management Association – European, Eastern Finance Association, Midwest Finance Association, and the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada conferences. She has taught a second-year introductory corporate finance course since Fall 2012.
Empirical corporate finance, corporate governance, mergers and acquisitions, ownership structure, initial public offerings
Select Publications |
Basu, N., Paeglis, I., Toffanin, M., 2017. Reading Between the Blocks. Journal of Corporate Finance, forthcoming. |
Anderson, D.S., Goss, A., Inglis, M., Kaplan, A., Samarbakhsh, L., Toffanin, M., 2017. Clickers and student performance: How well do they work for students with poorer grades and for students in harder courses? Journal of Further and Higher Education, forthcoming. |
Select Conference Presentations |
“The Information Environment of the Firm and the Market Valuation of R&D” with Lu Zhang, Eastern Finance Association Conference, Jacksonville, FL, April 2017. |
“Information Asymmetry, Corporate Governance, and the Market Valuation of R&D” with Lu Zhang, Administrative Sciences Association of Canada Conference – Finance Division Proceedings, forthcoming, Edmonton, AB, June 2016
“Clickers and Student Performance: How well do they work for students with poorer grades and for students in harder courses?” with D. Scott Anderson, Allen Goss, Michael Inglis, Alan Kaplan, and Laleh Samarbakhsh