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Dr. Ayse Yüce
EducationBS, MBA, PhD
OfficeTRS 3-068
Phone416-979-5000 ext: 557189
Professor Yuce teaches and does research on investments and international finance. Her expertise is on emerging markets, foreign direct investment decisions of corporations, listing decisions of previously state-owned companies in China and India. She also investigates cross-border mergers and acquisitions.
Investments, International Finance
Papers |
Ali Chaudhry and Ayşe Yüce, “Effects of Canadian Exchange Rate Volatility on Imports and Exports”, International Journal of Economics and Management Sciences, 8-2, 2019, 1-8. |
Begumhan Ozdincer, Ayşe Yüce, “Stakeholder Returns of Islamic Banks versus Conventional Banks”, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 54-14, 2018, 3330-3350. |
Yeana Choi and Ayṣe Yüce, “Korean Company Foreign Direct Investment Projects”,The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business 3-1, 2016, 5-15 |
Ayşe Yüce, “Mergers and Acquisitions by Emerging Country Multinational Companies”,Asian Economic and Financial Review, 2016, 416-424 |
Ayṣe Yüce and Mauricio Zelaya, “Foreign Direct Investment Decisions of Multinational Companies”, Journal of Global Business and Technology 10-1, 2014, 23-46 |
Ayṣe Yüce and Mauricio Zelaya, “Foreign Direct Investment Decisions into China and India”, Asian Economic and Financial Review 4-3, 2014, 300-316 |
Sergiy Rakhmayil and Ayṣe Yüce, “Executive Qualifications and Firm Value”, Journal of Applied Business and Economics 14-5, 2013, 52-71 |
Sergiy Rakhmayil and Ayṣe Yüce, “Nafta Effect on Company Values and Performance”, International Business and Economics Research Journal 11-4, 2012, 407-420 |
Shanila Taneem and Ayṣe Yüce, "Information Content of Dividend Announcements: An Investigation of the Indian Stock Market", International Business and Economics Research Journal 10-5, 2011, 49-58 |
Zheng Xiong Chen and Ayṣe Yüce, “Optimal Investment for Institutional Investors Under Value-At-Risk(VAR) Constraint in Chinese Stock Markets”, Accounting and Taxation 3-1, 2011, 15-32 |
Ayṣe Yüce and Sergiy Rakhmayil, “Internationalization and Profitability of U.S.Multinational Companies after the Free Trade Agreement”, International Business and Economics Research Journal 9-12, 2010, 49-76 |
Sergiy Rakhmayil and Ayṣe Yüce, “Financial and Operating Performance of European Firms and Introduction of Euro" Contemporary Issues of Economic and Financial Integration, 2009, 337-355. |
Alex Ng, Ayṣe Yüce and Eason Chen, “State Equity Ownership and Firm Performance: China’s Newly Privatized Firms”, Pacific Basin Journal of Finance 17, 2009, 413-433. |
Sergiy Rakhmayil and Ayṣe Yüce, “Do CEO Qualifications Affect Capital Structure”, Journal of Applied Business and Economics, 9(2), 2008, 76-85. |
Jelena Radzic and Ayṣe Yüce, “Banking Development in the Former Yugoslavian Republics”, International Business and Economics Research Journal, 7-9, September 2008, 35-49. |
Sergiy Rakhmayil and Ayṣe Yüce, “Effect of Manager Qualification on Firm Value”, Journal of Business and Economics Research 6-7, July 2008, 129-138. |
Jodie Wan and Ayṣe Yüce, “Listing Regulations in China and Their Effect on the Performance of IPOs and SOEs”, Research in International Business and Finance 21-3, September 2007, 366-278. |
Alex Ng, Ayṣe Yüce, “Risk and Returns in Mergers and Acquisitions: Efficient or Agent Motivations”, Journal of International Finance and Economics 4, 2006, 102-116 |
Ayṣe Yüce and Margaret Yap, “Gender Effect on Investment Preferences and Risk Aversion”, Global Business and Economics Anthology 1, 2006, 126-136. |
Ayṣe Yüce and Alex Ng, “Effects of Private and Public Canadian Mergers”, Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences 22-2, June 2005, 111-125. |
Ayṣe Yüce, “Islamic Financial Houses in Turkey”, Journal of Academy of Business and Economics, 1-1, 2003, 153-157. |
Can Simga Mugan and Ayṣe Yüce “Privatization in Emerging Markets”, Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, Volume 39-5, September-October 2003, 83-98. |
Ayṣe Yüce and Bulent Karaagac, “Dividend Policy and its Effect on the Value of the Turkish Firms”, Journal of Global Competitiveness 11 (1), 2003, 1-15. |
Ayṣe Yüce and Can Simga Mugan, “The Linkages among the Eastern European Stock Markets and the Major Stock Exchanges”, Russian and East European Finance and Trade 36-6, November-December 2000, 54-70. |
Ayṣe Yüce, Zeynep Onder and Can Simga Mugan “Small Investor Behavior in Turkish Stock Market”, Hacettepe University College of Business Journal, 17-3, 202-223, 1999. |
Robert-Jan Gerrits and Ayṣe Yüce, "Short and Long Term Links among European and US Stock Markets", Applied Financial Economics 9, 1- 11, February 1999. |
Ayṣe Yüce and Can Sigma Mugan "Temporal Relationships among Gold Coins, Stock Market and Foreign Currencies in Turkey ", Bogazici Journal: Review of Social, Economic and Administrative Studies 12-2, 1998, 119-131. |
Ayṣe Yüce, “Effects of Liberalization Measures on Turkish Stock Prices”, IMKB Journal, 1-15, Autumn 1997. |
Ayṣe Yüce, "Statistical Properties of the Turkish Stock Prices", Research in Middle East Economics 2, 79-100, 1997. |
Ayṣe Yüce, “Dysynergy Effect of Voluntary Spinoffs", METU Studies and Development, 24, 139-147, January 1997. |
Ayṣe Yüce, "Lead and Lag Relationships among the developed stock exchanges ", Turkish Treasury Journal, 73-89, January 1997. |
Ayṣe Yüce, "Diversification and portfolio formation in the Istanbul Stock exchange" Hacettepe University College of Business Journal, 14-2, 139-159, 1996. |
Can Simga Mugan and Ayṣe Yüce, "An Investigation of the Short and Long Term Relationships between Turkish Financial Markets", The European Journal of Finance 2, 305-317, 1996. |
Books |
Scott B. Smart, Chad J. Zutter, Vijay K. Vishwakarma and Ayṣe Yüce “ Fundamentals of Investing”, Canadian Edition, Pearson Education, 2021. |
Bradford D. Jordan, Thomas Miller, Steven D. Dolvin and Ayṣe Yüce “Fundamentals of Investments, Valuation and Management”, Third Canadian Edition, McGraw Hill and Ryerson, 2012. |
Bradford D. Jordan, Thomas Miller and Ayṣe Yüce “Fundamentals of Investments, Valuation and Management”, Second Canadian Edition, McGraw Hill and Ryerson, 2009. |
Charles Corrado, Bradford D. Jordan, Ayṣe Yüce “Fundamentals of Investments, Valuation and Management”, First Canadian Edition, McGraw Hill and Ryerson, 2005. |
Ayṣe Yüce, "An Examination of an Emerging Stock Exchange: The Case ofTurkish Stock Market", Capital Markets Board 39, 1996. |
Book Chapters |
Sergiy Rakhmayil, and Ayṣe Yüce,. “Financial and operating performance of European firms and introduction of the Euro”, Contemporary Issues of Economic and Financial Integration: A Collection of Empirical Work, ATINER, 2009, pp. 337-354. |
Ayṣe Yüce and Can Sigma Mugan, "Cointegration Analysis of Official and Free Market Exchange Rates in an Emerging Market: The Turkish Case", Emerging Capital Markets: Financial and Investment Issues, 85-97, Quorum Books, 1998 |
Proceedings |
Ayṣe Yüce and Mauricio Zelaya, "Effects of Foreign Direct Investment by Multinational Companies on Company Performance", 2011 International Business and Economics European Academic Conference, 235-253. |
Olivia Miloj and Ayṣe Yüce, "Maturity Effect of Oil Futures", 2011 ASAC Proceedings, 56-70. |
Shanila Taneem and Ayṣe Yüce, " Information Content of Dividend Announcements: An Investigation of the Indian Stock Market", 10th International Business Research Conference Proceedings, 1-23. |
Jelena Radzic and Ayṣe Yüce, “Banking Development in the Former Republics of Yugoslavia”, International Applied Business Research Conference 2007 Proceedings. |
Alex Ng, Ayṣe Yüce and Eason Chen, “State Equity Ownership and Firm Performance: China’s Newly Privatized Firms”, Academy of International Business 2006 Conference Proceedings, 90. |
Alex Ng and Ayṣe Yüce, “Risk and Returns in Mergers and Acquisitions: Efficient or Agent Motivations”, ASAC 2006 Proceedings, 179-195. |
Wesley Ollson and Ayṣe Yüce, “Active Management of Currency Volatility with Emerging Market Portfolios”, ASAC 2005 Proceedings. |
Ayṣe Yüce, “Islamic Investing and Islamic Financial Institutions in Turkey”, Emerging Financial Markets and Services Asia-Pacific Conference 2004, 37-47. |
Ayṣe Yüce and Alex Ng, “Wealth Creation in the Recent Merger Boom: The Canadian Experience”, The International Business and Economics Research Conference, Las Vegas, USA, 29-34. |
Ljiljana Viducic and Ayṣe Yuce, "Privatization and Liberalization in Turkey and Crotia", 40th Congress of the European Regional Science Proceedings, Barcelona, Spain, 210-212. |
Ayṣe Yüce and Can Simga Mugan "Long Term Relationships among the EasternEuropean Stock Exchanges", 38th Annual Conference on European Regional Sciences Proceedings,Vienna, Austria, 153-155. |
Ayṣe Yüce and Can Simga Mugan, "The Analysis of the accounting dissertations between 1990-1995 and suggestions " XV. Accounting Education Symposium Proceedings 173-191, 13-1. |
Grants | |
2013 | Ayṣe Yüce “Outward foreign direct investment and acquisition decisions of the emerging country multinational companies, Ryerson University Internal Grant, $5,000. |
2008 | “Effects of Foreign Direct Investment by Multinational Companieson Company Performance and on Country Economic Growth” , SSHRC Grant, $128,000. |