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Strive - 2

Are you looking for learning strategy (LS) or assistive technology (AT) support? Do you want to meet and connect with other students with disabilities in an inclusive environment? 

Hosted by the AAS Inclusive Learning team, STRIVE is a virtual LS/AT series guiding students with disabilities through key aspects of their learning experience in a collaborative group setting.

This semester we are entering into our STRIVE era! Finding joy in the pursuit of knowledge, seeking guidance, connecting with mentors and saying “Yes” to new opportunities to expand as a student. We’re doing it all and we’re doing it together at STRIVE. Here's what's coming up:

Strive - 5

What are you manifesting this semester? This semester we are aligning our academic values with our daily lives. We will dedicate part of the session to working on our own individual semester plans so bring your course syllabuses and anything else you think you will need!

No need to register, drop into the Zoom link below.

Time: 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm

Zoom link: (external link) 


Strive - 6

Join us as we talk about the hows and whys of audio-recording your lectures!

*Please note students must have audio recording as an accommodation to record their lectures.

No need to register, drop into the Zoom link below.

Time: 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm

Zoom link: (external link) 

STRIVE_Discussion Posts Era (square) - 1

Join us for some helpful tips on how to write meaningful discussion board postings in class. This semester we are not afraid to add our thoughts to the discussion!

No need to register, drop into the Zoom link below.

Time: 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm

Zoom link: (external link) 

Strive (7 x 3.5 in) - 1

Getting through your readings can be tough! Wondering what information is important to extract and what to “leave on the page”? Join us as we explore how to read with a purpose, use assistive tech to read, and create relevant, meaningful and concise notes.

No need to register, drop into the Zoom link below.

Time: 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm

Zoom link: (external link) 

Strive - 7

Last semester, we learned How to Use ChatGPT to Help You Study, this semester, we’re embracing being in our AI era! In this session, we will share tips, tools and strategies to help you use ChatGPT responsibly while you study. (We might have used it to help us write this 🙂)

No need to register, drop into the Zoom link below.

Time: 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm

Zoom link: (external link) 

Strive - 8

What technology or strategy helped get you through this term? Are you team Notability or Goodnotes? Are you so proud of your Notion board that you want to share it for all to see?

For this STRIVE session, your STRIVE guides are stepping back and passing the screen sharing over to you! Come share a strategy, talk about technology, or simply connect with other students! Let us know if you are interested in leading part of the discussion by filling out this  (google form) Show and Tech (external link)  sign-up form.

No need to register, drop into the Zoom link below.

Time: 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm

Zoom link: (external link) 

Low Sensory Study Hours

Image of a poster advertising low-sensory study hours. The poster reads: "Introducing low-sensory study hours. Location: SLC 451 (the Study Lounge), Time: 11am to 2pm on Thursdays! Drop in and enjoy a cozy and quiet study experience. There will be earplugs, low lighting, fidget objects, and quiet snacks. The image background is a calm gradient yellow to pink, there are some flowers, and a graphic of someone studying. There are the logo lockups of TMU Student Life & Learning Support and TMU Academic Accommodation Support.

Drop in and enjoy a cozy and quiet study experience. There will be earplugs, low-lighting, fidget objects, and quiet snacks. Along with a quiet study space, an AAS Peer Advisor and SLLS Peer Academic Coach will be available.

Thursdays: 11:00am - 2:00pm starting January 25th

Location: SLC 451 (Study Lounge)


STRIVE D2L contains STRIVE's favourite learning strategy and assistive technology resources adapted to the specific impacts for your disability.

New disability-specific modules will continue to be added throughout the academic year. 

Interested in STRIVE D2L? Review and sign our Consent Form to be added to the D2L Shell.


We want you to know

Most STRIVE programming is hosted on Zoom. This virtual space will be similar to the in-person experience of STRIVE. That means other students will be able to view your name and video (optional), as well as hear your voice. We will not share any confidential information and what you choose to share with the group is up to you. To join our virtual programs you must be logged in to your TMU account.

If you have questions or require accommodations to participate in any STRIVE program, email