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BSWD Application Process

You must:

  Be OSAP-eligible to access the BSWD.

  Submit an OSAP Application Form and a Disability Verification Form (DVF) to Student Financial Assistance.

  Indicate on your OSAP file if you have a permanent disability or persistent/prolonged disability status.

Already have proof of OSAP eligibility? Begin at Step 2.

  • Complete the TMU BSWD Application Form* by the deadline.
  • Some items and services require that you submit supplemental forms with your application. Your Student Accommodation Facilitator will identify which supplemental forms you must submit. 


*You must be logged in with your TMU credentials to access the form. 

If you see a “You need permission” message, it means that you are signed in with a non-TMU email address. If you're unsure about how to switch to your TMU account, check out this AAS FAQ.

  • Once submitted, AAS reviews your application for completion and accuracy.
  • Your Student Accomodation Facilitator will contact you if the submission needs to be revised.
  • AAS submits the completed application on your behalf to the TMU's Student Financial Assistance (SFA) Office. 
  • SFA will process your application and contact you with next steps, including whether or not the application was approved, the amount you will receive, and how to access the funds.