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Academic Considerations vs. Academic Accommodations

Academic Consideration Request (ACR)
or Academic Accommodation Support (AAS)
- Which one is right for me?

What is the difference between an academic consideration and academic accommodations?

Did you know that these are defined by separate university policies?

In the table below, you can learn about what these terms mean and how they’re applied.

What if my situation falls outside the scope of Academic Consideration and Academic Accommodation? 

Not a short term circumstance or disability-related?

Requests for academic consideration that involve extenuating circumstances that are long-term in nature (but not appropropriate for registration with AAS) are handled and resolved with the Department/Program. 



  • A student who is pregnant and may need an alternate space to write an exam or has been assigned to bedrest for the remainder of the semester and cannot attend classes
  • A student who has submitted multiple ACRs in one semester and been unable to meet multiple extended deadlines that have been provided
  • A student registered with AAS who has been having a significant disability-related episode and missed the majority of their coursework and classes as a result
  • A student submits travel documents where the dates of travel exceed the 3 business day requirement or is open ended.   
  • A student experiences family related issues that are not within the 3 business day requirement or are open ended.