We support students with disabilities.
Academic Accommodation Support (AAS) is your accessibility services office. We work with the Toronto Metropolitan University (TMU) community to create inclusive learning environments.
Part of Student Wellbeing, AAS helps to reduce barriers and promote accessibility. By providing education, programming and services to students and faculty at TMU, we help develop academic accommodations and build your skills.
From accessible education to inclusive learning. We're all yours.

Quick Links

New to AAS?
Start here to learn how to register, what documentation you need, and discover transition resources tailored to help you get started.
Have questions? Visit the Incoming Student FAQs or get in touch!

Registered with AAS?
Visit the AAS Student Portal to share your accommodation plan and book your accommodated tests each semester.
Check out the Accommodation Guide for detailed information about using your accommodations effectively, and discover AAS Programs & Services.

TMU Faculty member?
Visit the AAS Faculty Portal to review and confirm receipt of accommodation plans and test details.
Find out how AAS works with you to foster an inclusive and supportive teaching environment that accommodates the diverse needs of all students on the AAS Faculty Webpage.