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Policy 60 Drop-In Appointments:

If you're an instructor or a student with a quick Policy 60-related question or concern, meet with an Academic Integrity Specialist during a 15-minute appointment for guidance and resource support. Need help navigating Policy 60 and its processes? Let us know!

Assignment Drop-In Appointments:

If you’re a student currently working on an assignment, with specific questions relating to academic integrity (citing, paraphrasing, etc.), meet with an Academic Integrity Specialist during a 15-minute appointment for support. 

To prepare for your appointment, please make sure:

  • You have specific questions relating to specific passages (sentences, paragraphs, etc.) of your work. The AIO cannot answer general questions about your work (only specific ones), but we can answer general questions about academic integrity!
  • You have access to any course or additional materials you want to discuss. If any of your questions involve the use of specific sources, you need to be able to access those sources during the appointment (and may need to share your screen). For example, if you ask about paraphrasing, we need to be able to see the original text.
  • You understand that the AIO will not evaluate your work for you. Meeting with our office does not absolve you of the responsibility you have to make sure that the work you submit is completed with academic integrity.