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Academic Integrity: Our Shared Responsibility
Academic integrity is achieved through honesty, trust, fairness, respect, and courage. These values are central to the development and sharing of knowledge, and each of us has a responsibility to foster and uphold the highest standards of academic integrity at Toronto Metropolitan University.
Some ways that we can protect the integrity of our institution and our degrees are:
- Focus on education and prevention--On our "Students" and "Faculty" pages you'll find valuable resources to that effect.
- Understand and apply the definition of academic misconduct under Policy 60: Academic Integrity.
- Understand that each of us has a responsibility to report academic misconduct if we believe it may have occurred.
- Keep the lines of communication open between instructors and students.
- Take advantage of the resources (opens in new window) available to you.
- Get involved with the Academic Integrity Office by joining the Academic Integrity Council (faculty & students), the Designated Decision Makers Council (faculty), and/or the Academic Integrity Ambassadors Program (students).